Sunday, September 30, 2007

Clearance Sale Hari Raya!!!!

high knee boots..4 inci..turqoise blue gan pink...ade stripe2....rm250

hot lace with red thai silk...with swaroski cristal...rm180

pink puff jacket..with buton detailing....rm280

the detailing..

shoes poited heel...with ribbon..rm100 size 9

pointed with swaroski cristal..rm100 size 9

black corset with white lace...rm150..

turqoise blue corset..with embroidery...rm200

kebaya nyoya polka dot...with swaroski...rm400 with the pareo..

singlet top..with detailing..rm80..

the detailing..

so sesiapa me or leave me a msg.. 0176519056..sape cepat dia dapat...

FOR SALE!!!!...all must go..huhuhuh sale raya!!

my new colection..inak jual yang selebihnya..wore by farah af masa show anugerah era...kalau nak beli i boleh buatkan kain sekali...rm800...boleh nego...chiffon with batu2 swarozki...n batu firus...not with the daimond belt..

kurung exotica silver pvc...rm300 jer....aksesory asing yer..huhuhuh

so sape2 me..0176519056..

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Only 4 u...

I wrote this on 6 ogos…but I keep it..sebab I rasa patut ke I luahkan?? Tah la..but I think..maybe thiz is the sorry 4 the delayed…n its suppose only 4 u..but I tak kisah lah…maybe can share with others…thiz I mean the ‘surat’ that I want given to u..but I tak sanggup nak bagi…im sorry again…

What happened to me??
Aku sendiri pun tau. Macam-macam yang melanda diri ini. Masalah yang mungkin tidak dapat dinilai dari luaran..tetapi didalam pemikiran otak..sangat-sangat bercelaru…
Sumenya bergantung kepada sejauhmana aku boleh mengatasinya supaya aku boleh hidup dangan tenang dan aman damai..

Hari ni 6 ogos 2007..setahun lalu aku tahu aku berada dimana pada ketika 6 ogos 2006..masih tergambar dimana , buat apa..dan dengan siapa aku berada..rasa macam semalam semuanya berlaku..dan hari ini juga merupakan hari jadi kepada seseorang yang masih aku sayang sehingga kehari ini..

Erm…maybe dah setahun lebeh kamu berkawan..banyak kenangan pahit dan manis ketika bersama dia..tapi sekarang sumenya mungkin telah berubah..mungkin salah aku…im sorry..
Mungkin korang sume tau sape yang aku maksudkan..sape yang tau..tau la..tak perlu la aku nak mention nama dia..setahun..macam-macam boleh berubah…dan munkin perubahan itu boleh merubah segala-galanya…corak kehidupan..kawan-kawan..kerjaya..dan pelbagai lagi…
Aku pun tak tau kenapa aku semenjak dua menjak ni…sebab kesan makan ubat ker??? Mungkin..selepas kejadian demi kejadian..mungkin susah untuk aku tersenyum…dan mungkin dulu aku masih belaja..banyak benda yang boleh dibuat untuk mengisi masa lapang…dan sekarang aku telah tamat belajar..dan hanya buat apa yang patut..mungkin sebab itu jga aku jadi tak tentu arah….skarang ni memang aku tengah mencari kerja yang boleh mengisi masa lapang ku..maybe as lecturer…kerja 9-5…atau mungkin apa sahaja yang boleh aku buat untuk melupakan kisah-kisah lampau yang tidak mahu aku ingat kembali….
My life just baru nak bermula…im gonna do something..tapi tak bermakna semuanya baru…aku masih memerlukan teman-teman yang boleh memberi sokongan…

I cant being alone in thiz world…lucky I have my mum…
But I must have some one to love n to be loving…maybe I lost that in my live..
n back to 6 ogos 2006..i give some one birthday card yang aku buat sendiri…n till today…I know u masih menyimpannya..walau pun tak seberapa..memang ianya sangat berharga..i sedar tu…bukan setakat card tu sahaja..malah the relationship antara u dengan i…maybe we started as a good fwen…n I hope it still…

n maybe in thiz letter..i only nak bagi u dah lama dah..tapi tak berkesempatan…mungkin I ni jenis penakut kot…tak berani nak bersemuka…u cakap la ape u nak cakap kat i…n thiz letter is ONLY 4 U TO READ…I trust u..but tak tahu just me n u yang perlu tahu…tak payah la nak bagitau org lain…
the problem is started..maybe u pun perasan bila….n I tau u bencikan sume ni..n I tau I dah melukakan hati sorry again..i tak bermaksud nak lukakan hati u..langsung tak terlintas dalam benak fikiran i…

but as I said b4….n I tak pernah bagitau sesiapa…memang dulu I ada perasaan suka kat u…but we started as a good fwen..n u pun layan I baik sangat..tak tau camner nak balas..then I started to care about u…make u happy when ur sad..n u did to me the same thing…but insie me..i know that I love u…very2 not about the looks or whatever….but just about the heart.2 heart want to become 1…but ianya mungkin mustahil bagi pemikiran i…sebab were so close..n I know apa u suka..n tak suka..n I tried to fulfill apa permintaan u….n I tau u ada perasaan kat org lain…sidia..n I not even care sebab I tau itu hak u…

kenapa I tak meluahkan?? Memang banyak yang I fikir sama ada nak meluahkan atau pun tidak…dan mungkin banyak buruk daripada baik…n I just forget about it…I tak nak hilang kawan yang I sayang….sebab mungkin I tau u anggap I sebagai kawan…tak lebih dari tu…
n I rasa u pun tau..we never like cakap kasar2 ker..buat benda2 yang masing2 tak suka sebab nak jaga hati masing..n ianya berterusan dan berterusan….i menatang u bagai minyak yang penuh…I sedar tu…maybe tu harapan yang I bagi kat u..but kita tak pernah nak bincangkan hal2 yang berkaitan dengan hati dan perasaan..mungkin disitu silapnya…I pun tak tau…dan lama2 I memang anggap u kawan tanpa ingin menaruh harapan yang tinggi untu diri i…dan as fwen..tak semestinya u satu2nya kawan i…memang u paling close…n until now I cant forget bout u…even something dah berlaku In my life….
But maybe bukan setiap hari akan bersinar disinari mentari…kadang2 mendung akan datang juga….dan disimbahi oleh hujan lebat serta mungkin halilintar yang amat menakutkan…n memang tak dijangka..someone that I never even know…datang dalam hidup i..dan mungkin merubah segala-galanya…
Dan saat2 I sangat memerlukan seseorang yang dalam hidup i…dan ianya datang tanpa I sendiri menduga..i know u hate him…
N life must go on…maybe I busy dengan apa yang berlaku..n secara tidak sengaja…I mungkin terlupa tentang u…tentang kawan yang paling I sayang…

Mungkin I alpa dan masa juga macam tak mengizinkan…time tu I final..n u pulak tengah exam n balik rumah…dan semuanya terus berlaku..n berlaku……lepas final I masuk project runway….n that’s what all happened again…maybe masa tu im in love…cinta..memang mengasyikkan dan ada juga yang menyakitkan….

But now..all was gone…but I ont know what to say..u pun dah banyak berubah..i just can see it from far…so..i don’t know what to totally blank…help me…but in my heart..i still remember..masa kita sama2 dulu..still n forever..maybe banyak halangan yang ade sekarang….hope u sihat…jaga kesihatan u..take care…some one must be still love u..forever…n ever..

Menanti hari.....

i nak citer pasal my cat..heheh nama dia...MANIS @ MANISAHURI @ KULA...huhuhuhuh ramai yang bagi dia nama..huhuhuh
dah lama dah bela dia dari kecik..n dah 2 bulan lepas my mum hanta dia mengawan gan kucing jantan baka short hair persion..manis ni kucing siam bermata biru....huhuhuhu
so skang ni manis gah mengandung..ehh bunting...huhuhuh
so my mum tengah menanti hari nak menimang cucu manis...heheh tak tau berapa ekor ade...sebab perut dia besar giler....

ni la manis....

dia suka tido kat dalam bilik air....kat lantai tempat sejuk2 skang ni..panas kot anak2 dalam perut tu..huhuhuh

asyik makan..tido..pas tu makan lagi..tido....huuhuuh

tengok ni kalau dia tido mesti kankang sekarang..huhuhuhu rasanya dalam minggu depan ni beranak la kot..nanti i update kalau dia beranak..macamana la rupa anak dia nanti..huhuhuhuh



Friday, September 28, 2007

Footballer yang paling i suka!!!

inila aidil zaquan gan zafuan...hehe comel giler......dah macam artist plak..
huhuhuhuhu they so smart..fashionable...pemain bola yang lain tu plzz la contohi mereka ini..kan ke pemain bola kena la smart dan kemas nampak selekeh jer..kan?? kan??

PROJECT RUNWAY MALAYSIA....meeting again..4 reunion...huhuhuh

that was ..ermm hari ape ek...selasa kot..ermm it was happy day meeting all the contestant PRM...4 reunion show...hehehen after balik 2..i bad..s3dih..hehehe

hatta, me n khairy...

hahah im wearing purple jeans..white top from top man..beg baru!! jangan marahh..with the bulu2 pink..huhuhuhuh

me, fitri..n jenny.. see my hair?? purple!! huhuhuh

danny yang berangan...

nizam n danny..

alex..jezmine n hatta...dengan rambut curl2..hehhe

alwyn yang hair style haa..

danny n allison...


me n jezmine!!!

ohh semua penat giler..from pagi sampai berbuka kami tido kat set..

lepas tu kami hang out kat hartamas square b4 i accident malam tu..huhuhuhu sedih...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Can anyone plzz tell me whuz thiz boy????

semalam i lepak mcd..sec 3 shah alam...
lebih kurang time sahur pukul 2 lebih..n i teman my fwen sume makan...
n duduk depan i was thiz realy-realy 1 cute boy...ermmm dia duduk gan sorang pompuan..tengah study..n i dont think so gf dia...tah la kan...

ermm i pandang jer dia...n his very cute..
putih2..ade misai n janggut sikit...rambut stail mohawk tapi ade jatuh2 sikit...dia pakai tshirt gan track bottom...tengah study..tak tau dia budak uitm atau kolej lain...stocky2..tak kurus..tak chub..

ni pic dia boleh amek dari jauh jer...

i pun tak tau kenapa i buat cam ni?? tah la..maybe i sajer nak kenal2 gan dia..kawan2...ceceece...hehehhe n stil remember his face sampai sekarang...rasa nya dia perasan i pandang2 dia..n masa tu kawan i sakit perut nak i kena ikut dia...tak sempat nak amek no tel ke hape...

ermmmso sesiapa yang rasa kenal budak ni bagi2 la info kat i yek..or dia sendiri yang baca ni...ermm plz contact me..i just wanna be ur fwen...huhuuhuhuh


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I accident!! bad day...

semalam after balik shotting..i have an accident..kat faderal highway..
it was so tired..n happened so fast...sekelip mata jer..
ermmm dah nasib..i langgar kereta waja...n my car was sad...n 4 being now i was so shocked....n feel very bad...
some one help me!!!!
im like a injured but...maybe terkejut...n moody...n tah la....very upsad..

behind the scene..PROJECT RUNWAY MALAYSIA..

u GuYS shoUlD sEE THIZ!!!


Sesiapa nak tengok montaj PROJECT RUNWAY MALAYSIA...yang masa mula2 tu..yang i cakap I SUKA PINK N POLDA DOT..hehehe boleh pegi kat page red com dibawah ini...hehhe



Another day begins for the contestants. With Mumtaz gone, Jezmine loses another room mate. Only 9 contestants left on Project Runway Malaysia. Who will be left remaining?

For their next challenge, the remaining contestants were to design for another celebrity but before they could get more details on the challenge, Bernie Chan announces that it was time for the model elimination round. On the chopping board this time was Felix's model Sun and Ming - Mumtaz's model. As winner of the previous challenge Felix had the choice of who to keep as his model for the next challenge. As always, Felix stuck with his current model. Ming was sent packing.

The challenge

With the model elimination done, the contestants were sent to their next destination to be further briefed on their challenge. They were brought to Two AM Studious, a recording studio. There they had finally had a glimpse of the celebrity whom they would be designing for; Jaclyn Victor – winner of the first Malaysian Idol competition. Meeting them there also was their mentor Peter Lum who gave them more details on their challenge. For their latest challenge, the contestants were to design an outfit which Jaclyn Victor would use during her performances. Jaclyn then gave a few more stipulations for the contestants to follow. The outfit which they would be designing would be used while performing her fast songs which meant that it had to be fun and funky.

The next stipulation for the challenge was that the contestants would be given 15 minutes to come up with some initial sketches where by Jaclyn would pick 3 of the best ideas. The 3 winning ideas would then be appointed as group leaders and would have to choose 2 people from the remaining 6 to help create their ideas.

The winning 3 ideas came from Alwyn, Fitri and Hatta. Alwyn who impressed Jaclyn with his idea on creating a sexy corset was first to choose his team mates. Alexandrea was his first choice with Danny as his next. Fitri who wanted to create a 2 piece outfit choose Allison and Jezmine as his team mates. Zeri who wanted to create a jumpsuit for Jaclyn Victor took Zeri as his first choice but was stuck with Felix (the person that everyone loves to hate) who was the last one left.

Contestants were then given RM100 to purchase all their fabrics within 30 minutes. As team leader Alwyn said that he would take his teams comments seriously but Danny who was part of his team saw that a weakness. Danny thought that Alwyn was not very confident as a leader as Alwyn kept asking for advice on how much fabric he would need for his design. Meanwhile in Hatta's group, Felix finally shows his weakness. According to Hatta; Felix wasn't very good in picking fabrics even though he had won 2 challenges. Zeri adds that Felix likes picking ‘mak cik' type fabrics. Things weren't moving smoothly at Fitri's group too. With his initial sketches were in a rough stage, group members were confused with was needed. To making things worst, Fitri was unable to convey his ideas to his group effectively.

Back at the workshop, teams started working on their ideas with team leaders delegating work to each of their members. Danny claims that he has lots of experience as a team leader and has always been the type who always takes charge on projects and admits that this challenge is actually the first time he is taking the back seat on a project. Alexandrea too didn't have a good impression on her team leader. Like Danny, Alexandrea also felt that Alwyn wasn't a ‘take charge' kind of person.

At Fitri's group, Jezmine was looking a little worried with the work that was assigned to her. Jezmine admits that she is quite in-experienced and not technically skilled but her enthusiasm makes up for her weaknesses. Allison thinks otherwise. Jezmine who has been unsure on what needs to be done, keeps consulting Fitri on the progress of her work because of this Allison think that Jezmine is being too dependent on Fitri. As a result of Jezmine's constant interruptions resulted in mistakes being made. Fitri was feeling tense by then.

Members in Hatta's group on the other hand were working well with each other. Though Felix isn't close with other contestants like Hatta and Zeri are, he was still able to stick with them and work together as a team. All of them seemed to function well in a group especially Felix who was working fast and hard on Hatta's jumpsuit to get the team ready before their deadline. Danny did see their group as a strong contender for this challenge, especially when their group has more experience working with celebrities.

Decision time

This week's judges consisted of host Bernie Chan, designer Sonny San, Asiah Mion of EH! magazine and guest celebrity Jaclyn Victor. While anyone could be eliminated I this challenge, as team leaders only Alwyn, Fitri and Hatta could be awarded the win. Judges selected Alwyn's group to pass on to the next stage leaving Fitri and Hatta's group to fight it out.

The two groups presented their ideas to the judges. Fitri group had created a 2 piece outfit created from satin and chiffon, making it easier to move around while performing while Hatta's group created a jumpsuit with the shoulders exposed. Judges thought that Fitri's outfit lacked the ‘bling' factor which was essential for Jaclyn's performances while Hatta's suit had just enough of that bling factor. Judges praised is a creative and funky outfit. It was clear which team was going to win but celebrations were not due yet as the elimination were still on. The purpose of this challenge was not just to judge the contestants creativity but to also judge how they would work as a team. This meant that even those on the winning team could be eliminated.

The judges then gave the contestants the opportunity to choose who they want to eliminated. Jezmine started first. Jezmine explained that everyone had put in lots of effort to create the outfit which made it hard to choose who to eliminate. Since it was the design that was weak, Jezmine put the blame on the team leader, Fitri. Allison agreed with Jezmine too but Fitri rebuffed the notion. Fitri choose Jezmine as the weak link within the group, stating that she wasn't very experienced which showed through her consulting Fitri on everything she was working on. Fitri also made know that it was Jezmine that had many mistakes while working on the outfit.

Judges then moved on the next group; Hatta's group. Zeri choose Felix to be eliminated. Zeri couldn't pick Hatta, whom he was close with, because he thought that Hatta was a good leader who was good a delegating task. Zeri chose Felix to be eliminated because of his poor choices in choosing fabrics. He's choices seem too dated. Felix didn't deny that he choose the wrong fabrics. He explained that it was because he only caught a quick glimpse of Hatta's sketch and wasn't sure on what Hatta wanted. Felix the choose Hatta to be eliminated. Hatta who was last to go, choose Felix. He felt that Felix just doesn't have the experience in working with celebrities which may have contributed to his poor choice of fabrics.

Judges deliberated their choices. It was apparent to them that Felix certainly didn't deserve to be eliminated as he was one of the most hardworking among in Hatta's group. They also thought that Hatta shouldn't be eliminated as he was a good leader. Judges then focused on Fitri's group. Between Fitri and Jezmine, Jezmine would most probably be the weakest. Though Fitri was to blame for the poor design, the judges could look past Jezmine's lack of experience and confidence. Their decision was set.
Hatta was crowned the winner and Jezmine was eliminated.
thanks to
or u can read all about PRM.. at all apisode..



As the new day started, Alwyn was seen waking up with a big smile on his face. There's nothing like waking up with a smile on face especially when you've just finally won your first challenge after coming so close to winning a number of times. The win was quite a huge boost of morale for Alywn but for every winner there has to be a loser which made Allison notice the size of the group has shrunk down. 5 have already left and only 10 contestants remain.

A new day meant there was a new challenge waiting for them back at the runway but before that could happen, there was the customary model elimination round. Facing elimination this week was Ayu, Mumtaz's model. As winner of the previous episode, Ayu's fate was in Alwyn's hand. To Alywn, Ayu didn't have anything special that his model Eloise couldn't have offered as a model. In the end, Ayu leaves Project Runway Malaysia as the 5th model to be eliminated.

The challenge
With the elimination round done, it was time to announce their latest challenge. For episode 6, contestants will be designing for a well known fashion retailer; Parkson KLCC which was also their next destination. There they were met by their mentor; Peter Lum who introduced them to the representative of Parkson KLCC and also the guest judge for the challenge – Rita Shum. As the representative of Parkson, Rita set out the rules for this challenge; contestants were required to design resort wear which will be focus towards a younger audience. Rita was quick to point out that their creations had to be also commercially viable.

While choosing fabrics for their design, it was clear that everyone had their own definition of what resort wear means. To Allison resort wear mean more of beach wear than anything else while Zeri, Hatta and Jezmine were going for bright colourful casual outfits. Danny on the other hand was going for a luxurious look. Instead of going with bright colours like the others, Felix went for khaki green fabrics. The other contestants thought his choice of fabric was questionable. Danny certainly thought Felix was making a huge mistake of picking such a dull colour and so did Allison who thought the fabric that Felix got was just plain awful. Were they giving constructive criticism or was it some else altogether.

What is apparent is that week after week, Felix seems to be the person everyone loves to hate. This week Felix claims that he has been in the top three in every challenge and he will certainly make it as the final three. Allison refutes his claim by saying that he has been lucky especially in winning the second challenge with his diaper wear. Alwyn, who seems to have a grudge with Felix, says that he's over confident with the experience he has.

Felix wasn't the only one whose designs were being criticized. Zeri, Hatta and Jezmine who created brightly coloured designs became the focus of other contestant who didn't think highly of their work. Fitri thought that the bright colours that they were using weren't practical. Danny added that their bright coloured fabrics just made their work look cheap. Even Felix took a swipe at them, saying that they still designing for themselves and not for their client; Parkson. Hatta for one didn't care about what the others thought of his work as the only person comments that he should take to heart was Peter Lum's comments.

Peter Lum who arrived later did like Hatta's design stating that his work was very bold but had some doubts about the judges liking it. Peter Lum then started discussing Mumtaz's idea. Mumtaz had envisioned her dress to be the ‘euro tourist look' where-by the blouse could be pulled down and used as a dress but unfortunately for her, Peter Lum didn't have encouraging words for her. Peter Lum commented that the trimmings which she had put together made her outfit look dated. While going through Alwyns' design, few of the contestants noticed that his silhouette looked very similar, in fact to them it looked like the same design that he had been using for the last 3 challenges!

As the hours drew closer to their deadline, Danny suffered a bad setback. Danny who was going for the ‘rich lady on a holiday' look, made an error when putting together his outfit decided to do some adjustment by cutting his skirt shorter.

Decision time
This week's judges consisted of host Bernie Chan, designer Edmund Ser, Aster Lim – managing editor of FEMALE magazine and Rita Shum from Parkson, KLCC. For this challenge Jezmine, Fitri, Mumtaz, Danny, Alwyn and Felix were called back as the top 3 and bottom 3 of this weeks challenge.

Jezmine was first. Her idea resort wear was a brightly coloured baby doll dress which was aimed for the young woman who wants to stand out and be seen. Fitri on the other hand made a casual kimono top with a red skirt which could be used at a meeting in a resort. Judges weren't impressed by both their ideas. They found Jezmine's bold colours too bright making the contrast too great for an outfit while they thought Fitri's was just too formal than casual be considered resort wear. Lady luck was on their side for the night as they were allowed to continue on to the next challenge.

For this episode, judges were stumped on whom to be awarded the winner of the challenge as they had 2 strong competitors. Alwyn who said to have been rehashing the same look over the past challenges presented his idea of a 2 in 1 outfit while Felix created a 3 piece, loose silhouette outfit. Both their designs were both considered clever designs and both had their flaws. Judges would reserve their judgement till the next day where the winner would have their design displayed in Parkson KLCC.

Last two remaining were Mumtaz and Danny. Danny who had made a luxury dress out of light transparent materials didn't impress judges at all. The more he tried to convince them the more flaws they found. Danny kept digging a deeper grave for himself. Judges thought that his outfit was not appropriate for resort wear and the silhouette he created made the model look fat. Like Alwyn, Mumtaz also created a 2 in 1 outfit. The outfit consisted of a yellow top which could be pulled down and double as a skirt. While the idea may have sounded creative, judges didn't like how it was poorly executed. For them, the outfit just was appealing enough because the fabrics and the trimming looked rather dated. It seemed that the decision could go anyway but Mumtaz, who had been in the last 2 for almost every challenge was finally kicked out of Project Runway Malaysia.

The next day, Alwyn and Felix both headed out to Parkson KLCC to see which of them would be the eventual winner of the challenge. There on display in the front of Parkson KLCC was Felix's outfit. Alwyn was shocked and questioned the judges' decision. “How could an ‘auntie' looking outfit win?”
or u can read all about PRM.. at all apisode..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seribu Imran Ajmain..

Lirik Seribu Tahun - Imran Ajmain

Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini
Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
Sedia setia

Relaku mengejarmu seribu batu jauh lagi
Tapi benarkah kaki ku-kan tahan sepanjang jalan ini
Biar membisu burung bersiulan terlelah gelombang lautan
Ku masih setia
Adakah engkau tahu… ini cinta
Adakah engkau pasti… ini untuk selama-lamanya

Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini… yeah…
Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
Sedia setia
Jangan putus harapan… sedia setia……

Happy birthday!!!

Ermmmm 20hb september...banyak birhday org..hehhe
Happy birthday to Khairy n PRM fwens.....
n someone yang pernah special in my life.....i takkan lupa sampai bila2....
i skang i dah ok..i can accept...his realy damm baik....but maybe we had a wrong conversation b4...maybe as my brother....i will always sayang dia...hope dia happy...
happy birthday TENGKU KERY @ JIMMY.....with lots of love...
i already forgive u since b4...... new dvd!!!

yay i ot my new dvd..yang telah lama i cari dan ingin menontonnya...
ermm i dah tengok season 1 dah..pas tu nak cari season 2 susah nak cari yang clear dan best..
so i kirim kat fizal beli kat penang pas tu dia poskan..hehehe
so skang takde kerja padahal kerja belambak layan tengok dvd!!!! hehehe
best giler citer nih!! korunk kena tengok..bagi G*Y sedunia..hahahaha
season 2 ade 6 cd..huh sampai episod 20..tak habis2 lagi tengok!!

season 2 ade 14 episod tak tengok lagi...

huhuhuhuhuhu ok daaa

take care!!


Monday, September 17, 2007

Party time wif RIZALMAN IBRAHIM..

Ermm since dah lama dah b4 puasa actualy..
tapi seperti biasa lambat post blog ni..busy skit...
we had a private party in rizalman penthouse..
so enjoy je la pic ni....tak ramai kawan2 jer...o malam merdeka la it was 31 ogos...

n banyak amek pic interior dia jer..sebab suka sangat umah dia...hehehe so enjoy la k..malas nak letak caption...