hi guys..thiz all the dresses i nak let go..cheap n cheap..
SOLDtrench jacket thai silk with kebaya embroidery..size M/L rm600

singlet kebaya top rm250

cocktail dress thaisilk with kebaya embroidery size m rm600

cocktail tube tweed dress size M/L rm400

tweet cocktail tube dress size m rm400
SOLDbaju kurung modern thai silk nikah size m rm950
ok thats all anything just buzz me..tq
hi! i suke sgt baju nikah yg last sekali tu. tp i xtau muat x utk diri sndiri ni. sgt suke design tu.. boleh alter utk padankan dgn badan x..?
i suke dgn design u..mcmana kalo nk tempah baju untuk nikah dgn u? tp bajet i below 1k..bole ke?
Salam,how much bj nikah yg last skli tu.. klu nk tempah camtu boleh ke?
Hey there!
I am absolutelyin lvoe with your clothing! all i can say is gorgeous.. What sizes do the cocktail dresses come in and do you send them to South Africa? I would love to purchase some coktail dresses, please send me a mail sharnekar@missboutique.co.za
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