Saturday, August 11, 2007

A New Day......

hari ni just doing much..have fun with fwen...
tengok bacth kimi rehersel diorang punya show at fakulti with prof najib...
then were went to klcc..rd nak beli seluar kat top man...ohh at klcc i jumpa nafiz..
first time meet him...just borak kejap jer...
after that terus g hartamas square....makan n borak2...
lots of fun...with rd, kheme, nik, syed, angel, v, hairi,rizman,wan,zuhairy n azfar...
until....i dont know maybe im in the medication...hati i cepat sangat sensitif giler...
n bila start camtu i keep tinking the bad things....
n gonna make me cry...
i dont know y...
no one fault...maybe i miss someone...
i realy care of him...maybe macam adik i sendiri...
i dont know y...
n i keep thinking after that...y dari dulu tak jumpakan i gan dia...
then dalam masa yang singkat dia kena pergi...
pergi jauh...
tah la..
i love my fwen....i do love uols...
i have learn something that he have give me...
to love my fwens...more than i do...
already 4am...macam tak ngantuk lagi..
i think start from monday i will update pasal prm k..
tq 4 all the support n tq ade kata baju i cantek..time kasih...
esok maybe i will busy jugak..
ok la...good night...
miss u....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry uoll..smalam tertido bagai dpn laptop..btw..baguslah..on go zery