we share the same date 31 december..tahun je lain..hehehe..
Ermmm ada ke org baca blog aku ni?? Heheh ramai jugak kot..so apa la yang nak ditulis..yup just nak bagitau blog ni just menceritakan kisah2 hidup I sebagai seorang fashion designer yer..bukan untuk tujuan lain…just to share yang mana boleh share…untuk tujuan koleksi dan sebagainya nantikan my website www.zeryzamry.com dalam proses pembikinan lagi tak siap lagi…
Tak bleh cakap lebey2 censored..huhuhuhuhu tetttttttt…
1.handfone baru…hehehe.
take care..
sape nak rasa nanti i buat lagi..i ni gemar masak memasak n buat cake segala...pas ni nak buat apple pie plak..hehee
daaa take care..
sorry v..i copy cam menarik jer..i pun nak jawab gak..bosan lol...
1. Who were you with last night?
# my mum...n elyana datang fitting kat rumah..
2. What woke you up this morning?
# gtg to toilet..the rizman mai..hishhh tak leh tido dah balik..
3. Where are you?
# my room..
4. Is tonight going to be a good night?
# ermmm tatau lagi..maybe..
5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
# today takde...kelmarin ada..
6. When was the last time you cried?
# ermm i cant remember...oh last friday maybe..at lq..
7 . Ever thrown up in public?
# tah la..
8. Passed out because of alcohol?
# tak penah g..
9. whats on your mind right now?
# ermmm some one special rite now..
10. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
# emmm.... it depends
11. Where would you like to live?
# ermmm area bukit bintang...big city new york maybe..
12. What do you want to name yourchildren?
# qaseh kemboja....
13. Who is your number 3 on myspace?
# velicous vass.
14. Have you kissed your number one?
# kiss pipi je kot
15. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
# adek angkat..julien..
16. Do you listen to music every day?
# yup yup yup
17. About how many people have you liked?
# ermm yang betul2 buat masa ni special ada 3 kot..but kawan ramai..
18. What are you doing this weekend?
# tatau la...baru monday
19 . Whats your favorite drink?
# ribena..
20 . Have you ever won an award?
#yup banyak gak..masa sekolah..but the bigest is anugerah jarum berlain 2006
21. What do you want to do right now?
# menjahit...
22. Who are you with?
# my mum outside my room..
23. Do you like someone right now?
# yessssssss
24 . How long ’til your birthday?
# 12 days to go...
25. When were you the saddest in yourwhole life?
# clashhh..arhh tidak amat menyakitkan..
26. What time is it?
# 4.30 maybe pm
27. What makes you mad?
# tah la...jarang marah..
28. Have you ever had a song written about you?
# rasa nya takde lagi..
29 . What song makes you cry?
# heheh usah lepaskan..taufik batisah...kaulah segalanya..by hazrul nizam..
30. What song makes you happy?
# ermmm cinta amy mastura..hujan pagi yang gelap..ermmm banyak lah..
31. What do you like to listen tobefore you go to bed?
# imran ajmain..seribu tahun
32. Do you have a job?
# yup..i ashion designer
33. What made u smile today?
# my morning msg from someone..after i mandi..hehe happy giler..
ermmm tahts all..hehehe ok back to work!!!!!